The Retreat
September 27-30, 2024
Agen, France
The Black Womxn Writers in Europe Workshop is a four-day writing workshop for Black womxn writers currently residing in Europe.
BWWE takes place September 27-30 in Agen, between Toulouse and Bordeaux, in southwest France.
The format will include:
Workshop sessions where writers give and receive feedback on submitted work
Generative/free creative time (prompts will be provided to work on at your own pace)
Shared activities to foster closer connections
Though our surroundings will be beautiful, please note that this is not a luxury writing retreat. Writing and honing our craft together takes precedence over gorgeous photos for social media (though there will be time for that too!).
Wed, March 20: Application Opens
Tues, April 30: Application Deadline
Early June: Notifications go out. All applicants will hear from us before the end of the month, whether you are invited this year or not.
Sept. 27-30: BWWE Workshop!
The retreat costs 450€ per participant.
This covers food, lodging, and materials for the retreat. It does not include travel. Coming from within Europe to either the Toulouse or Bordeaux airport and by train to Agen, plan for around 200 euros for travel.
Each participant, including the hosts, will pay the same amount. We are not profiting from this. The experience and our gathering together is our priority.
We will send a deposit schedule when we notify accepted applicants. If you are concerned about cost, please let us know. We are working hard to make this affordable!
We hope you'll find your question addressed below. If not, feel free to shoot us an email to have your specific question answered.
The days will be divided into workshop sessions, solo writing time, and group activities. Participants will receive a detailed schedule upon acceptance.
We're looking for participants who are already familiar with writing workshops and who have had their work discussed in craft-focused settings.
You don't need to have been published, but it helps if you're in a place where you're ready to submit work for publication or are working on a project with publication in mind.
Established or emerging, we want participants who enjoy thoughtful craft discussions and whose work moves us.
450€ includes food, lodging, and administrative fees. You take care of travel. Coming from within Europe to the Toulouse airport and then by train to Agen, plan for around 200€ for travel.
If you are concerned about cost, please let us know. We are working hard to make this affordable!
We are in the process of seeking funding from sponsors to lower the cost for participants but each person should expect to pay 450€ or less.
We will send a payment schedule to each participant that will detail when the deposit and balance are due.
Again, we are hoping to secure additional funding which will lower the cost of the weekend. We can also discuss payment plans, in the event that we ask you to join but you find the price prohibitive.
The retreat will take place at Chateau de Borie in Agen. Each participant will have their own room and private bathroom. The chateau has large, bright, sunny rooms and beautiful gardens with private areas to enjoy the views and soak up the atmosphere.
Bedrooms and bathrooms are located on the second floor of the chateau and we are unfortunately not equipped to provide assistance to a person with disabilities traveling alone.
The days will be structured to allow several hours for solo writing.
Please submit 10-15 pages double spaced of fiction or prose that best showcase your writing. It doesn't have to be the manuscript that you'll workshop on site.
Joy and Jeannetta will alternate workshop leadership. We are heavily inspired by the insights offered by Felicia Rose Chavez in The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How To Decolonize the Creative Classroom and Matthew Selasses in Craft in the Real World. Joy is also influenced by The Amherst Writers and Writers Method which prioritizes positive feedback in workshops.
Workshops will be discussion-based and will center what the writer seeks to accomplish in her work. You will not be asked to remain silent while your work is being discussed. Expect a lively conversation and practical revision tips as well as to be encouraged to trust your intuition.
Chateau de Borie has large, bright, sunny rooms and beautiful gardens with private areas to enjoy the views and soak up the atmosphere. There are also surrounding hikes, caves, and the Garonne River.
If you cannot participate or change your mind, please let us know at least one month in advance and we will issue a full refund. Only 50% will be refunded with less than a month's notice.
We can be reached at joyjeannettabwwe at gmail dot com